Because the Carter Center
has worked to combat neglected tropical diseases throughout the world, its
people have interacted with remote communities in some 70 developing countries.
They have seen how religious beliefs and violence have impacted the lives
of women in patriarchal societies. “Almost everywhere, we find that women
are relegated to secondary positions of influence and authority within a
community but almost always do most of the work and prove to be the key
participants in any successful project. When there is a shortage of food
or limited access to education, the men and boys have the first priority……when
a civil conflict erupts, women are the primary victims of bombs and missiles,
the displaced adults in charge of children, and the victims of rape. Beyond all
this are the special biases that come from the distortion of religious beliefs
and the imposition of discriminatory tribal customs that lead to honor
killings, genital cutting, or child marriage.”
You have probably read
enough to make you decide that you must read this book, or you can’t stand any
more. I found the book disturbing and hopeful, because President Carter
and The Carter Center have not only discussed an array of terrible problems but
have suggested helpful, local approaches. In subsequent columns I will
write about their approach to genital cutting, child marriage and dowry deaths,
and sexual slavery and prostitution (including what goes on in the Bay Area).
For now, think about your religion or spiritual path followlng an
egalitarian mother-father God, or moving beyond humans to embrace all living
things. Whatever is best for you.
For a complete change of
pace - here’s what the Point Reyes Light (3/27/14) reported about alcohol use
in Marin from ‘available data’. Nearly one-quarter of the county’s adults
reported binge drinking in the past month. The county has averaged 32 deaths
annually from drug overdoses in recent years - mostly from prescription drugs.
Nearly half the county’s 11th graders drink alcohol and one-third binge
drink. A new program to deal with teen drug and alcohol problems is being
developed at the San Geronimo Valley Community Center. A meeting in
Bolinas will take place on May 13th, 9:30-11:30 am. Watch the Hearsay
for more information.
Sadja Greenwood past
columns on this blog Leave me a message, and I will answer you.
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