We all know that exercise is good for the body and brain, and yet we are becoming less active as work has become more sedentary. If getting out for a walk, or taking a trip to the gym seems difficult, researchers at the University of British Columbia say that the problem is real, and it’s happening inside your brain. Research findings, published recently in the journal Neuropsycologia, say that we may be designed to prefer lying on the couch. Matthieu Boisgontier, lead author of the paper, wrote “Conserving energy has been essential for human’s survival, as it allowed us to be more efficient in searching for food and shelter, competing for sexual partners, and avoiding predators. The failure of public policies to counteract the pandemic of physical inactivity may be due to brain processes that have been developed and reinforced across evolution.”
In their study, the researchers had young adults sit in front of a computer. They flashed sequential images of stick figures that depicted either physical activity such as running, biking and swimming, or inactivity, such as sitting or lying down. Subjects were told to move their markers as quickly as possible toward the pictures of physical activity and away from the pictures of inactivity. Subsequently, the order was reversed. Electrodes were recording their brain activity. While participants were faster at moving towards the active pictures and away from the lazy pictures, brain results showed that this required their brains to work harder. Avoidance of physical inactivity comes as a cost – namely increased involvement of brain resources. Boisgontier said “These results show that our brain is innately attracted to sedentary behaviors.” Researchers asked whether people’s brains can be retrained, adding that knowing what is happening is an important first step.
I found this paper to be astounding. What are its take-home messages? I think it’s important to knowthat the lure of the chair, the hammock and the bed is innate and powerful. If we want to stay strong and feel well, we have to find ways to balance resting and moving. We are all aware that physical activity, including walking, is beneficial for the brain, bones, muscles, heart and most body organs. It helps with weight control and diabetes prevention. Therefore, we have to plan to get movement into our lives. Do more work in your garden, or home. Join a class, or a team. Take Pilates, dance classes, Qigong or Tai Chi. Form a group with friends to walk, talk and visit the gym. If you are a solitary person, you can find good exercise classes of all kinds on line. Set an alarm to get you up from the chair hourly during the day. We humans are endlessly inventive. Knowledge is powerful. Let’s go for it!
Sadja Greenwood MD, MPH